Low Cost, High Impact Feedback

When we changed our feedback policy a few years ago, we were quite pleased with it – we’d looked at all the evidence around what makes good feedback, and thought we’d come up with something sensible and fair. We established several key principles of effective feedback for each department to contextualise, such as providing timeContinue reading “Low Cost, High Impact Feedback”

Less is more: pitfalls to avoid when feeding back mocks

It’s that time of the year when GCSE and A Level students up and down the country are sitting mock assessments. Many of these will be dictated by the school calendar, and many students will sit more than one. Whilst there is not the space here to dissect the relative merits of mocks, one wouldContinue reading “Less is more: pitfalls to avoid when feeding back mocks”

What does Growth Mindset mean to me?

Today saw the launch of our school commitment to Growth Mindset, featuring a wonderful keynote speech from Matthew Syed followed by a selection of workshops run by some talented teachers based around the theme of continual improvement. I will blog about the day and our ongoing experience of developing Growth Mindset over the coming weeksContinue reading “What does Growth Mindset mean to me?”